

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The halls are decked {a christmas decor tour} Part 1-the tree

I have been adding more and more "new" decorations to our home but thought if I wait to post when I'm finished then it will be 2011 by the time you guys see them!  So let's get on with the tour!

Here is our tree...'s plastic.  I have nothing against fake trees.  I just LOVE real trees.  Growing up that is all we had.  I remember going to a tree farm and walking around trying to find the 'perfect' tree.  There was heated discussions about straight trunks, bare spots, needle dropage, and so on.  My dad scrutinized every tree while my mom gave my dad "the look" after he shook the umpteenth tree checking for freshness.   Awesome memories.  And the the smell of fresh trees.  So why do I have a plastic tree?

4 words: Target. After. Christmas. Sale.

We bought it when Natalie was a baby on a whim because it seemed more cost effective and easier. And it definitely has been.  Even though it's not real, I still love it.  (Notice my favorite chair made it's way back in to our living room-whoo hoo)

This year I got rid of my tree skirt, it was too 1990's for me. ;-) Last year I flipped it over so that it was just solid red.  This year I had plans to make a new skirt but that ended up in the same category as my advent.  Brooke at Pitter Putter Stich had a great idea of making them before putting away the Christmas decorations so that they are ready for next year!  Hmmm...I don't have the best track record for getting things done ahead of time but we'll see...

So instead of the blech 90s skirt I just grabbed some burlap I had and draped it around the tree stand.  It's make shift but I like it.

The tree came with of my favorite features!  Love the all white look.  And of course there is the book page garland.  Notice that the bottom part of the tree is lacking on the garland.  Well I didn't space it out enough and was just going to make more but haven't.  If it really bothered me I would do something about it ASAP but I'm cool with it the way it is.

Last year I replaced a lot of our broken balls and chose a red, gold, and soft green color scheme.  This year I only put the plastic balls up and the ornaments that I thought were indestructible if grabbed by 15 month old hands.  Here are some favorites:

Love these snowflakes!  They add lots of sparkle to the tree and they were $1 for 6, gotta love that!

It wouldn't be a Jane of All Crafts tree without at least one bird!  I have two of these! And that star below  I think I got 8 of them for $1 last year.

This is a plastic canvas ornament my sister made for my husband and I when we first got married.  I think there are about a dozen of them on the tree.

This little guy is from my mom.  She made 2 of them for us.  Isn't he the cutest?

This ornament was on my tree growing up...I think it was a present from my aunt.  I love it.

Spongebob!  A gift from the hubby's dad to Natalie when she was a year old.  She LOVED the theme song when she was a baby.

And you can't have Spongebob without Patrick Star...

Eat my shorts!  Yep Bart Simpson is on our tree...had it since we were first married.

My husband and I have played soccer since we were little. So a soccer playing Santa is a must :-)

My husband is half Irish, although you'd think he was 100%.  He is very proud of his heritage.  This clover was a gift from my parents.  Funny story: Natalie out of the blue will let me know that her daddy, herself, and her sister are Irish but I am NOT.  She reminds me of this often.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess. :-)

Lastly are 2 ornaments that Natalie made a couple of years ago at school.  This one smells like cinnamon, still! Mmmm...

This one she made at one of those pick and paint stores while on a field trip.

So there you have it.  Our tree.  A little bit of everything.  Stay tuned for part 2 of the tour!  

Wishing you a very merry and bright holiday season!



  1. I love the burlap skirt! I'm not in love with our skirt but those I find I do like are soooo expensive. May have to try making one next year... Nice tree!

  2. I love the history connected with special for your children too and the tree looks lovely!

  3. Just lovely! Thanks so much for sharing and linking up this week!



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