

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Quick Christmas decor part 2

I showed you a couple of quick, easy and cheap Christmas decorations here using frames. Well I have another frame decoration to show you.

I found these frames at Michaels before I was in Christmas decorating mode and originally thought I would spray paint them and use them in our everyday decor.

Then I was looking at our entryway and realized it was lacking on some Christmas sparkle.  It is super small and to call it an entryway is beyond generous.  Read: little space to decorate.  There is this fake but pretty poinsettia on our little table...

and this cute bird on the floor...

And that's it for Christmas decor.  We have a shelf/coat hanger that needed some bling, then I remembered the frames.  Here's what I came up with:

And here's how I did it:

I had some paper letters that my mom had sent me after she went through all her scrapbooking supplies
and some left over paper from the framed candy cane decoration.

I just painted on some craft glue and then sprinkled on some glitter, silver for the silver frame, red for the red frame, and green for the green frame.  You can't tell from the picture but the scrapbook paper had some white glitter detail as well.

So there you have it.  Another quick, easy, and not to mention cheap Christmas decor!!  Oh and if you don't have colored frames you could always spray paint some then paint over them with some craft glitter paint to get the same kind of effect.

Show and Tell Green


  1. those are adorable as always! i love the varying color and shape of the frames. did your sihouette arrive yet? i was hoping maybe fedex came later to you today. i haven't gotten a chance to set mine up yet... probably this weekend! i can't wait to use it! then we will make everyone jealous when our wine and design projects are WAY better. ;)

  2. Love that you used a different frame for each letter. This is a really fun idea! And what's this I hear about you getting a Silhouette?!?!

  3. That's such a great idea. we recently bought a house, so we don't have much decor. I've been on the hunt for quick and easy decor ideas! :)

  4. That's a great way of adding Christmas sparkle to that little area...looks really cute!


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